Building A Special Team At Pulse.
Another month on and we’re delighted to welcome three more experts to our team and Pulse.
Another month on and we’re delighted to welcome three more experts to our team and Pulse.
It has been a very exciting experience over the past 8 months or so, discovering with your help, what your pain points are around business-to-business procurement and tendering of services, and where we can focus our efforts to best effect in addressing these.
It is with great pleasure that we have managed to secure an industry stalwart as our new Chairman. With extensive experience in financial services and building start-up’s that fly, we welcome Tim Murphy to the Pulse team.
We asked the pulse team for the one key stand-out from the last six months and one key future activity they are looking forward to seeing:
When we started out on this venture as three guys in a pub, there were many ideas and hair-brained schemes we banded around that evening.
Say hello to the latest recruits at Pulse. We’ve been very lucky in managing to attract three of the finest talent to our business early this year. The team are already fired up and pushing us forward. Exciting times ahead.
A warm welcome to the first Pulse Marketplace newsletter. I am excited to share our story of 3 guys solving the world’s problems in a Dublin bar, through to the startup of our business, Pulse Marketplace.
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