Are we finally, seeing an end to greenwashing?

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The summer of 2021 with unprecedented floods and fires around the globe illustrates the real impact of climate change that is taking place around the world today.

In response to the disasters, individuals are demanding organisations change the way they do business. Instead of focusing solely on financial indicators, organisations are being asked to urgently prioritize ESG values (environmental, social and governance). 

Positive change is happening and is gathering momentum. Over the last decade ESG has moved from purely a marketing tool sometimes looked on as greenwashing, to being a core focus for firms. It is now a key focus area for integration into a company’s DNA. There is a palpable sense of urgency and willingness for change.

As a start-up we are in the fortunate position to fully embrace ESG at the start of our journey. For us, ESG is the beating heart of Pulse Market, and we can support companies to include ESG in their procurement processes. 

As a platform for buyers and sellers we are focusing on promoting responsibility in the areas of climate change, labour rights, diversity and business ethics. And we are helping more firms factor ESG into their supply chain.

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